Regenerative Approaches to Healing

Regenerative medicine is focused on developing and applying new treatments to heal tissues and organs and restore function lost due to pain, aging, disease, damage or defects.

Regenerative medicine is to engineer, regenerate, and replace tissue using natural growth and repair.

Our team offer’s a variety of regenerative modalities to help alleviate pain and decrease inflammation.
Our office has a (AAAHC) SURGICAL PROCEDURE ROOM with the latest technology.

Contact Us

Phone: (302) 489-9777

Our Services

Platelet-rich Plasma 


Platelet rich plasma therapy takes your own blood, concentrates its healing properties and reinjects it back into you to speed healing. PRP can be up to 10 times richer in the concentration of healing growth factors than normal blood, which helps speed the healing process. The treatment uses your own blood, PRP is safe with minimal risk of any adverse reaction

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate


Bone marrow obtained by iliac crest aspiration is a common source for harvesting mesenchymal stem cells, other progenitor cells, and associated cytokine/growth factors.

Umbilical Cord Tissue

A PRP alternative that provides the highest quality tissue support matrix for joints, tendons, ligaments and other musculoskeletal applications. These building blocks, ie proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and naturally occurring peptides provide structural support and repair. These components encourage the rebuilding and repair of injury sites thus optimizing the body’s innate healing potential. VITTI-PURE is an FDA Allowed product that is Umbilical Cord tissue sourced.