Our Services

Platelet-rich Plasma 


Platelet rich plasma therapy takes your own blood, concentrates its healing properties and reinjects it back into you to speed healing. PRP can be up to 10 times richer in the concentration of healing growth factors than normal blood, which helps speed the healing process. The treatment uses your own blood, PRP is safe with minimal risk of any adverse reaction

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate


Bone marrow obtained by iliac crest aspiration is a common source for harvesting mesenchymal stem cells, other progenitor cells, and associated cytokine/growth factors.


(Mesenchymal Stem Cells)

Vitti-Pure is a PRP alternative that provides the highest quality tissue support matrix for joints, tendons, ligaments and other musculoskeletal applications. These building blocks provide structural support and encourage the rebuilding and repair of injury sites thus optimizing the body’s innate healing potential. The lab who produces Vitti-Pure only accepts bio-ethically donated human birth tissue from healthy consenting mothers and only works with tissue procurement organizations within the United States who use collection techniques that follow the AATB guidelines, prioritizing the health and safety of the mother and baby above procurement.

Additional Regenerative Services:


When PRP is injected into your clitoral and vaginal areas, cells are activated in the injected area, which encourages tissue regeneration and increased blood flow.

We have had wonderful results for Urinary incontinence, Vaginal dryness, Chronic vaginal pain from childbirth or transvaginal mesh, Inability or decreased ability to achieve orgasm.


We inject your platelet-rich plasma or PRP to enhance the erectile function of your penis.
The procedure is designed to provide the penile region with natural growth factors that will improve circulation, plus the region will experience increased sensation.

We like to incorporate Shockwave before the PRP injection for maximum results.

When you experience a chronic long-term pain, the body no longer recognizes it as a problem and stops the natural healing process. When applied, The EnPuls uses Ballistic Sound waves (Shockwaves) to create a “micro trauma” or an inflammatory state to the affected tissue. This once again triggers the body’s natural healing response. The increase in circulation to the area during the treatment also contributes to the healing process. The more blood flow to tissue, the faster it will heal.

Radial Shockwave Therapy is extremely effective for both, ED and Pain Management!

Quality Professionals

We take great pride in providing quality health services and exceptional customer service every single day. Our Board Certified, brilliant doctors are absolutely here for you – every day.


Office: (302) 489-9777


910 N Union St

Wilmington, DE 19805


891 Baltimore Pike

Springfield, PA 19064

